Saturday, July 23, 2005


First Edition- Japan For Sale!

Ah the mall, America’s home away from home. Everything seems familiar and friendly at the mall. No matter if it’s Rhode Island or Alaska, the same stores, the same names, the same great prices…hey I paid 30 dollars for that shirt! What do you mean they have it half off here?! Anyways a new commodity has appeared in our happy money munching malls. Japan. Straight up people you can buy Japan at your local shopping hubs. Personally I am from Erie Pennsylvania. I live only moments from my local mall, called the Millcreek Mall and wonder at how we can even call it a mall when we don’t even have a food court. Ponder that one awhile! But as I cruise my showcase lined boulevards of commerce I notice a new trend. Trigun and Inuyasha at Hot Topic, Pokemon and Duel Masters at KB Toys, Cowboy Bebop, Sailor Moon, Gundam, Neon Genesis Evangelion, and more manga then you can shake a stick at has somehow managed to integrate itself into our favorite pastime of shopping! My head spins at the possibilities and I love it! The game stores are crowded with fan boys (and girls! I like video games as much as the next button punching player! Girls can play video games too!!) sporting DBZ and Cowboy Bebop tees while waving about their newest copy of Final Fantasy (add in your favorite number here….isn’t it suppose to be the final fantasy, not the franchise fantasy?) In my local bookstores there’s Anime Club, discussions, and even manga dates. Yes people my friend met her boyfriend at the manga section of our local Media Play and some of their dates do consist of manga shopping. And even our punks, yes are beautiful spiky haired black clad punks and Goths, are sucked in to the maelstrom of the Japan Invasion. I look around Hot Topic and watch the very punk rock manager squeeze and cuddle an Inuyasha plushy while one of her employees folds a Trigun tee. I even fell in love with a baby blue Inuyasha tee and bought it on the spot. I drooled over the Inuyasha patches and key chains, cried when I couldn’t afford the Sesshomaru action figure (oh my beautiful Fluffy-kun!). I wander into Waldens books and find my fellow otaku wander among the five bookcase of manga. We strike up conversations, exchange e-mails, show each other our anime bling (my happens to be a human form Inuyasha key chain) and then one asks me what I have playing on my CD player. I smile brightly and chirp “Gackt of course!” I lent them my headphones and they bobbed their head grooving out with Gackt. One boy even asks me if I can tell him where to find more Jpop and Jrock music. Another fan is born. Anime’s theme songs are just as big a buy as the anime itself, making it an influential element to the packaging equation. It’s a wonderful feeling to see this new tide of integration in our society, even if it is at a base market level but that’s still amazing. Look around the world with burning, wide eyes and you’ll see Japan for sale all around yourself. In art, entertainment, architecture, business, and all aspects of life that we wouldn’t even recognize. Finally, after years of imperialism isn’t it nice to see another exquisite culture being accepted with open arms? Look around lovelies, enjoy your little taste of Tokyo in your favorite shopping mall and bookstore. Until later, your favorite Voodoo doll, Mysse.

Tuesday, July 12, 2005

The Bench effort Posted by Picasa

Asleep at the piano...pesky key marks! Posted by Picasa

The Effects of Gacktism

The Effects of Gacktism
The square outside Yokohama Arena is packed as wave after wave of excitement washes over the crowd like the late afternoon sun. Men and women of all races and ages mill about, chatting and laughing in multitudes of languages. Some people have traveled half way around the globe to be there while others have saved up all year just to buy a single ticket. What could draw so many people to one place and then whip them into frenzy with a single name? Camui Gackt (pronounced Gakuto). Today is Gackt’s final concert of his Sixth Day-Seventh Night tour, and it also happens to be his birthday as well. The fact that it is Gackt’s birthday only seems to stoke the excitement to a feverish pitch. As one observes the crowd, he must begin to wonder why Gackt’s fans, whom the artist calls his “Dears”, have such great love and respect for the man. Some have even gone as far as to dress up like Gackt for the concert. How could this single man have influenced these people and Japanese society so greatly? But to truly grasp how Camui Gackt’s influences have spread throughout many aspects of Japanese culture, one must know who Camui Gackt is. Camui Gackt is a vocalist, perhaps the most famous vocalist in Japan today, and a composer. Gackt writes, composes, and produces all his own music. He is also a talent musician having learned to play the violin, trumpet, tuba, drums, bass, guitar, and many other instruments but his masterful piano skills are his most showcased of instrumental talents. Camui started out humbly working as a drum technician at a studio before he started his own band, Cains:Feel, but the band broke apart when Gackt felt that his deep voice wasn’t appropriate for the musical trends of the time. Then in October of 1995 he joined the Goth rock band Malice Mizer and skyrocketed to fame. At the height of Malice Mizer’s success, Gackt announced he was leaving the band, and with him went a large amount of Malice Mizer’s fan base. The band disbanded two years later. Gackt’s departure from Malice Mizer was unexpected, but with his 1999 release of his first solo project Mizerable, Camui Gackt was spring boarded into superstardom. He has gone on to appear in many commercials, TV dramas, and the movie Moon Child, which he co-wrote the script for. As well, Gackt has released seven albums to date, a video game, and has even started voice acting in various animes (Encyclopedia:Gackt). Camui Gackt’s success can be seen throughout Japan and even various parts of Asia, which makes it easy to see that Gackt is influencing Japanese society, but how? Camui Gackt has influenced Japanese culture by tearing down international and Japanese stereotypes, ambitiously striving to redirect the lives of others, and attempting to create an Asian Union.
Camui Gackt defies Japanese stereotypes and worldwide stereotypes of Japanese men and fashion. With Gackt’s prominence in Japanese media, it is not hard for an observer to see the man’s ever-changing appearance and blue colored contacts and think that his is emulating a “white” or “western” fashion trends. In truth Gackt is not emulating western fashion or Japanese fashion. Camui’s constantly morphing appearance is not an emulation of white-western fashion but purely based upon Japan’s own popular media figures found in anime and video games. Not only has Gackt been modeled as the main character for the video game Bujingai, but also he has even been linked to being the model for Squall Leonhart from Final Fantasy 8. As well, he has also patterned himself after the popular comic book character Ruroni Kenshin on various occasions. Laura Miller of Loyola University writes, My suspicion is that they are not looking to Hollywood or Madison Avenue when they change their appearance, but are drawing on Japanese fashion and media for their inspiration. Perhaps sources for their altered looks are the characters found in Japanese comic books, anime and computer games. Indeed, fans of Gackt love to hunt for his look-alikes in domestically produced media (Miller 21) Miller’s observations prove that Gackt is not conforming himself to Western/White ideals, but drawing his models from the unique Japanese art forms found in manga and anime.
As well as a nonconformist to Western beauty principles, Gackt is not the stereotypical Japanese male either. The international view of the common Japanese man is a homogeneous black haired, browned eyed man of short stature in a business suite. In a rebellion to this stereotype, a new fashion has become popular with Japanese youth and Gackt has become the poster child of this movement. The movement is called “mukokuseki“, or non-nation. The trend is meant to blend aspects of Japanese culture with western fashion until the two are so intertwined they are of neither culture and have no definable nationality. Miller writes about the trend, stating, Unlike past generations, young people exuberantly combine beauty ideals from different cultures or historical periods. Japanese fashion innovations are not the emulation of any specific foreign trend, but are based on a combination or juxtaposition of items from different eras, places and cultures. This practice even has a name: mukokuseki, lacking nationality. The aim of the mukokuseki style is not to look Western, or Japanese, but rather like something that cannot be categorized. (Miller 21). Gackt and several other Japanese singers have adopted this trend and have become spokespeople for the movement due to their popularity and wide range of visual attention. This navigability has also gained Gackt support for the movement in the States. Mary Meehan of the Knight Rider Newspapers wrote in her article entitled “American Teens Latch On to Japanese Pop Culture” It is probably the first time that a large number of Americans are truly embracing cultural influences from abroad. After decades of exporting American culture all over the world, the country is now finally mature enough to welcome and accept culture that is not homegrown. After only seeing geisha and woodblock prints, culture-savvy Americans are finally seeing the value in the modern creations coming out of Japan."(Meehan). This goes to show that Camui Gackt is not emulating white society or Japanese fashion but is defying both stereotypes to create his own unique image. As Camui Gackt’s influences spread globally, he feels the need to touch the lives of others with his music. Camui Gackt is passionately driven to change the lives of all those he encounters so they will live a more fulfilled life. Gackt felt his life was irreparably changed on a visit to Madagascar one year. He was shocked to find that people in the world today could live in such poor, unhappy conditions and yet be so friendly. He wrote in his autobiography that, “Madagascar is a very poor country. There is only about 2-3 percent of the country's population which can afford education. But the people there are overflowing with smiles. At that time, I happened to think, ‘I wonder if I can smile like that.’” (Tarrant). After this moment, he decided that if such unfortunate people could change his life, then he should reach out and change other’s lives as well so everyone could be living a more fulfilled, happier life. As well, Gackt is inspired to one day buy his own island where he can build an amusement park for all the world’s children, but not in a creepy Michael Jackson sort of way. He personally feels that if he inspires the children to come to the park and understand that he is trying to give them a better life, that they will create a better future for themselves and the world. Gackt writes in his autobiography Jihaku, Even if I call to 1,000 people and only one responds, that's fine. If there is that one child who feels me calling, that child will, with his own strength, change the environment around him. My dream isn't restricted to just saying big things about giving dreams to children. It's more concrete than that. The child who wonders, ‘Why exactly were we called?’ has had his future and his possibilities opened. I want to create that opportunity. To say it straight up, it's just untimely interference. I'm someone who, from the beginning, has interfered in a lot of people's lives. I don't want people to exist in vain. I want people to live their lives to the fullest. I don't want them to throw away any possibilities they may have. (Tarrant) Since then Gackt has endeavored to show people what he feels is the correct way to live through his music. When he performs a live show, he hopes that people will see his intentions through his music and self-expressions on stage and walk away thinking of how they can affect others and help them. Gackt writes, Even though I perform lives, it's not enough to just say "I want to have a live," and "We'll have a happy live." That is something that I could do if I weren't myself. I wonder, if I wasn't me, what things would I be able to do? I think about that constantly. In order to send my feelings out, in order to live as myself, I will continue until the end to run towards the possibilities of me being a man who expresses himself. And in order to keep doing that, I will continue to keep doing what I have been doing all along. (Tarrant) He feels that once his listeners acknowledge and accept change into their lives they will live full, satisfied lives. This will in turn make them change the lives of all those they encounter, and through a “pass it on” chain of being, the entire world will change into a better, more perfect union. Another way Camui redirects others lives is he sees himself as ?Moon? to his listeners. Camui defines a “Moon” as anyone or anything that guides someone else and illuminates his or her path towards change. Camui writes in his biography on his ?Moon? theory, There are many people who do not know the meaning of their own existences. People appear who illuminate the road in front of them, and they then find the road upon which they are supposed to advance. That road might lead to their downfall. However, even if it is the path to destruction, they are still living just a little bit with their own power. They are not being revived by someone, but with their own feet, while feeling the life within them, they are struggling to live. I think that this is how all human beings should be living. I also wish that every one of you will want to be like the moons and the light of the moons in your own lives. The moon does not only shine during the nighttime. At night, if you do not create something and decide to start walking on your own, you can't be shown the way. This is because you can't see anything around you, and you're afraid of being shown what lies ahead. If you stop, that becomes your safety zone. Even so, the act of picking up one foot and taking a step forward requires an insane amount of courage. However, if you want to leave this darkness that much, it is possible for your feet to take a step onto the path illuminated by the moon. In short, the one who advances forward is, in the end, you. It is you! In the people who watch my concerts and listen to my music, it is all right if even a single person understands that. I will be happy if that person starts walking forward with his or her own courage. I am the moon. I dimly light the road, and the only thing I can do is point it out to you. But when you all take that one step forward, I will gently, quietly watch over you. (Tarrant) Just as the Moon lights our nights, a person who is a “Moon” shows us the path of change in this chaotic world, but they can only show someone the path, they cannot make the person walk the path. Gackt feels through his music he can show his fans the path and coax them towards that better life. With his abilities to subdue stereotypes and his will to change other people’s lives, Camui Gackt is set upon one globally advantageous purpose. Camui is determined to help create and promote an Asian Union for the benefit of all of Asia, and set the example of a harmonized society for the rest of the world to follow. Camui Gackt feels that Asia should not be a multitude of nations, but one cohesive ?Asian Union? due to the fact that Asians are the largest ethnic group in the world. He states that Asia should be one complete nation instead of a jigsaw of smaller countries. All he feels he needs to do is make all of Asia aware of their brotherhood so all of Asia can unite as one peaceful nation. Camui Gackt supports his push for this Asian Union but living his life by his theories. Camui wrote in his autobiography, To me, Asia isn't a place for me to promote myself. Asia is my country, the place where I come from, my hometown. I have always wanted to come to the point where I could feel “I am Asian.” Through my music, through my movie, I want to make people conscious of the thought of an Asian brotherhood. I want to feel that people are not just Japanese, Chinese, Korean, but have a brotherhood among them as all being Asian. I want my life to bring people closer to this realization. One Asian people. The pivotal point is the people of Asia having this revolution of thought together. (Tarrant) When asked what he is, he does not reply, “I am Japanese” Or “I am Chinese” but instead tells people that he is Asian. He does not look at Asia and see a wide fan base or a someplace to promote his newest album but his home and the homes of his Asian brothers. This shows that Camui doesn’t fight for record sales, but to create a peaceful, untied Asia by accepting that all Asians are uniquely linked by they’re ethnicity. He feels through his music, his very lifestyle, and additional works that he can create a revolution of thought amongst all Asians. After he has created this new way of thinking, all the pieces will fall together and all of Asia will untied into one perfect union, Camui’s ideal “Asian Union“. Camui Gackt states, But even if the country is formed into a single entity and bound together by friendly relations, it means nothing if the people don't feel it. If the people of that country individually could have the walls before their eyes torn down, becoming closer to one another, if they could feel their same customs together, then the country's policies would advance, wouldn't they? I want it to become like this. Doesn't that sound interesting? One musician, finally tying country by country together, taking them to one place. I am only a musician. But nevertheless I am a musician. That is the possibility that I have as a person of expression. (Tarrant) This shows Gackt’s eagerness and longing to help create an Asian Union by using his musical influences and popularity. In conclusion, as one deliberates over the matter of Camui Gackt being a free thinking artist or a carbon copy pop star, one cannot dispute the facts that he has greatly altered the Japanese society. He has created perhaps a better Japan by his refusal to submit to stereotypes, his passion in trying to create a better life for himself and others, and his mission of founding a unified Asia.

Tuesday, July 05, 2005

My First cheesy is this??!!!

So this is my first blog ever. Well I kinda feel like a reject now! Anyways, I guess I'll throw out the basics just to get a start. My name is Mysse, and that's pronounced "Missy" but I'm special ed so I spell it like my heads been bounced off one to many curbs. I'm currently 18 years old and single. I like my computer but he's dating my printer so...I'm heartbroken. I like to draw, usually anime and manga but I'm working on a scrap book of the human form. I love to read mostly Christopher Rice and Anne Rice but right now I'm reading Silence of the Lambs. I sing, a lot, and I'm trying to get discovered and sing my own songs I've written. I write lyrics for songs, like so meantioned, and I'm writing a couple of novelettes and a books of poetry called Love Letters to No One. Keep an eye for it. I love listening to music bu I mostly listen to Japanese music. I love J-Rock. My favorite singers/bands are GACKT!!!, Hyde, Dir en Grey, Malice Mizer, L'arc-en-ciel, MIYAVI!!!, Pierrot, ect... Oh yah, my favorite color is aqua (can yah tell?). I guess i wanted to try this whole blog thing to get out there and say something (though this hasn't said much has it?) and I wanted to meet new people and see what they had to say. So say something already!!!